OK, "whoor" must be a quapman thing. I say it all the time. I still misspelled it on purpose and know how to spell "whore". I always punctuate. It's what I was taught in school and it's common courtesy to the reader. I took a while to respond because I was working on the car and having a bite to eat. My world really doesn't revolve around CC.com, sorry. (I do spend wayyyyyyyy too much time here, though
I must admit that I do not know what "a pilgrims pride ride" refers to.
I honestly try not to get down to the personal level with these threads. I purposely kept it to my main gripe, SP, and didn't generalize about "the right". The more I learn, the less I like or trust ALL elected officials. Left, right, they all suck, but I forget how quickly it becomes them-VS-us around here. Sorry for messing with your box, Pandora!
I'm just tired of seeing Sara Palin (and Michael Jackson) everywhere, especially in a banner ad on a message board whose subject matter is cars. Period.
I still don't need to justify my opinion. Nobody does.
I think SP is an idiot. I think MJ was a pedophilic freak. I think Chevvies are boring. I like Challengers better than Cudas, but Cudas are OK, too. As stated before, think what you like, but why attack ME for my opinion? Unless, of course, one of the above is a relative of yours..........
Can't we all just get along?