Well lemme just cast the vote for the 25 people who attended.
I'm sorry it wasn't as well-organized as I had hoped, but in my defense we had 66% more people than I had planned on!!
I THINK we can all agree that while the service was a smidge slow and the bill-paying process was a tad confusing, it still wasn't nearly as bad as the 2007 arrangement at Grandpa's Growler. Hopefully we can all work together in 2010 to have a more accurate head-count ahead of time and possibly plan on the buffet for next-year's show. I think the ability for everyone to show up and be eating within minutes was a HUGE plus for those that attended in 2008.
I will most likely not be 20-minutes next year (I may not even be a cuda owner by next year) but I'll still plan on arranging dinner and helping out the club.