Got a few more small parts done. Nothing really important...just thought I'd post some more pictures. I got a little overwhelmed last night. I moved boxes and boxes of Challenger parts from my parents place to mine. I need to get everything in one place. Moving all of those boxes made me realize that I have a crap load of parts to organise and restore. One thing at a time I guess.
I did order a heaterbox gasket kit from Detroit Muscle Technologies. It should be here soon so I can work on restoring the box this winter. It doesn't look like too bad of a job. I'll post before, during and after pics of that once I'm done. Here are some more pics.
Before shot of the prop valve.
After soaking in Evapo-Rust for a few days.
Cleaned and painted. I'm not that happy with how this turned out. I might spring for a new one. It all depends on how visable it is when everything else is in the engine comp.