I'm using a low volume pump from the sending unit, thats plumbed to a fuel sump with a hi-pressure pump in it. The hi-pres pump goes to the regulator/filter with a built in return. The return goes to the sump, and then overflows back into the tank at the sending unit.
The sump I used is a 10" water filter housing from Home Depot, about $20. I thought of using a marine fuel filter setup, but you can't submerge the hi-pres pump with that, and I wanted to save money with a inexpensive factory replacement type pump.
It all bolts to the brace in front of the tank, with the sump housing at a slight angle to tuck it up some. I've got my new fuel line and the low pressure pump installed, and have the sump housing. I just need to get the 90's mustang hi-pres pump ~$90 and install it and wire it.
I'm going to run it on a 07 hemi.
I have a question. Has anyone found a nice junkyard relay/fuse box for under the hood? The one in my ranger pickup would work nice. 3 relays and lots of fuses in a 3x6" black case. I'll need relays on my fan, headlights and fuel pump.
Do you see any reason to run separate relays for each pump?