What should happen if the shifter is in reverse and I do an ohms check between the two outside pins on the switch...it should read zero, right?
I get nothing....infinite...so I assumed that means its a bad switch....but now there is the INTERNAL piece mentioned?
Probably a bad switch. It fails more than the piece inside the tranny (I think). It should read zero or close to zero when you are in reverse. Bench test it after the tranny is out
and if it tests ok, have the tranny shop check on the condition of that piece inside the tranny. I think Terry called it a vb. Of course, from the sounds of things in your transmission thread, the tranny shop you're using doesn't have an over abundance of torqueflight knowledge.
Shadango, I think you have used the "banging head on wall" smiley more than anybody else! Get the feeling this car is fighting every step to completion? Maybe it likes the garage more than the street.