You may submit more than one picture, but only one picture from a member may be selected for the main 12 calendar images.
For example:
John Doe may feel his Challenger is the bomb, and he has two awesome shots.
We will only pick/vote on one of the two images.
One member will not have two months, consecutive or non-consecutive. (Fair?)
Let's say that same member submits shots of his Cuda as well.
We will consider the merit of the three images that the member submitted, and select only one from that member.
There may be a detail shot from that same member, but it will not be a main calendar image.
I know that this format is slightly different than the years in the past. You gotta trust me a little here...
The auxillary "filler" images will be used in good taste, some humor, and applicable to each calendar month. I've got an interesting layout idea, and once we vote on the 12 images I will put together a sample calendar layout page so you guys can see what I am up to.