I didnt take the time to go to the doctor, and went through 2 near death occurances a couple of days ago. I almost didnt make it. One in particular was I was 50 ft in the air, harnessed up to a 3000 lbs machine, I had asked for a firewatch since there was a 100% chance I would start a fire. Well, they didnt take me serious enough and I was trapped up on my machine encased in a 30 ft flame and had to pass through it to climb down and extinguish the fire myself. I was already in pain from being sick, feeling knumb when bent over,and could hardly breath as it was. It took me close to 45 minutes. I was sick and very sore, I had a fever of over 102 all day. After the last flame was out, the plant had saw they had left me alone and started giving me more attention and the last few days gave me all the help I needed. But for about 3 minutes of that one particular time, I thought I may be seeing the last of my life in front of me. I am starting to feel better today now and eating again to. I had been really sick
I am sorry if I have seemed a bit edgy and nippy here. Believe me, it was not intentional. A fever had me delirious and confused and I could not stop to get myself right. I am known to live on the maximum of endurance. Age is a factor I am learning to deal with as time ticks by
I have some things here I have to ship to you guys that have been waiting for. I have to go out of the country oct 5 for a few days, but if I can find time, I will get these things out to you. I have been wound tight on my schedule for many weeks in a row, im hoping things slow down to a normal soon.