98% of the time, I start her in First, and slap it into second, then slap into third. Same deal stopping / slowing, I slap it down. Much better car control. Also, with a fairbanks 3500 RPM stall converter, If I start in D, its in 3rd at < 30mph, and still reving at 3500+. Prefer not to cook the 727, so I shift manualy.
Like others here, I would like to go to 4 or even 5 $peed, but just the time & money & hard to find parts. Keisler (sp?) still wants close to 5K$ for there kit!!
FYI: Never had it move more than one gear up when I slap it or just tap it. It will not go into N or R without holding the button. I also need to hold the button to go back down.