Part # Application Description
2770380 66 ply, dod, chry, all, 70-71 valian switch wiper Var Spd used
2770380 66 ply, dod, chry, all, 70-71 valian switch wiper Var Spd used
2770380 66 ply, dod, chry, all, 70-71 valian A+E-BODY VARIABLE SPEED
2770380 66 ply, dod, chry, all, 70-71 valian switch variable speed wiper
OK....usually when a wiper motor will not park it's a fairly simple reason....there are contacts on the underside of the switch plate that cause the circuit to "break" and park. Basically the same principal as points on a distributor. You can remove the switch plate, check the points (although I think you're working with a late model switch plate with the humpy cap), you can still run an emery board, emery cloth between the copper flat and the copper arm and make sure you're getting good contact there. If you're going to do that, please be sure to note where the timing nib is on the left hand side of the switch plate. That's your timing for your park position. It's like a little "tit", sorta, that will be at approximately 9 oclock on the housing. For an E body it should be above the "C" shape....
Sometimes the yellow wire from the winding will break because of lost tensil strength and that will cause it to run in one speed only. I've had them come to me where the wire is broken in the sleeve but still attached and it makes intermittent contact and causes irratic running behavior.
Those are the first things I look for on a motor when it comes to me for repair with those same type symptoms...I test on a bench where I know my grounds are good and my switch is good and sometimes I get the sucker to run with no problems and have to call the owner and tell em it's running fine for me...then we start to look on their end for the problems...but you can start there??