There are many things around us that just seems like,............."What is going on?" One of my favorite interest,even passions is Sports, well at least most sports. Growing up with sports at the center of my life from around 1956 (born in 1946) and to the current time I can tell you it has changed so drastically. And that is no where more evident than in the professional level. For the most part whether it was baseball, football, basketball or whatever there existed a LOYALITY. That loyality was not only fan based, it too was player based. Yes team owners were know to trade and litterly sell amongst themselves in an attempt to build and strengthen their team. But comparitively speaking until recent years with free agency etc. the "old timers" did little moving around. Today it is like the daily stock marget with buying and selling players' contracts and services. There is no loyality to a team, or to players no matter how much they have contributed or how long they have been on respective rosters. It's a matter of money.
Which leads me to NASCAR. Now personally I don't actually consider NASCAR a sport, not drag racing either for that matter. Yes they the drivers are very talented, very skilled, very durable (athelitic) , and yes even very brave. Bit personally it is not a SPORT. Now wht does all that have to do with loyality?
NASCAR has evidently (I read this in a newspaper and it was in the sports section
) sent out, or issued a release that the NASCAR the organized body of racing was considering, and I assume because of the news release, inviting other car manufacureres into the NASCAR organization of racing. Guess who has responded? Volkswagen.............yep you read it correctly. Volkswagen wants to be a member of NASCAR racing. We now have Toyota inclusion and possibly Volkswagen in the furture.
What orginated as a good ole boys racing bootleg whiskey down the back roads of the south has turned into global conpetators. Isn't that what IROC was suppossedly all about? Nothing is sacred or loyal to the origins of tradition anymore, sad....................I think my life has seen enough change in traditional values whether it be family life, sports, or even racing cars. Personally things have gone to "Hell" in this country.