Spent the mourning sanding out more dirt & buggers, now I'm wondering if I had too
shot the last few color touch up & around 2:30 started the 3rd coat a clear, finished cleaning up around 4,grabbed a bite to eat & went back out at 4:30, lookin at all the dirt
(not as bad but still quite a bit) & the runs I opted to put on the 4th coat right over it all rather than wait till tomorrow & sand the whole friggen car again & see what I was left with, only worry was that sanding out the previous coats dirt I might hit paint & have more color touch ups.
Low & behold the gods of cleardom must have felt sorry for me & were finally ready to give me a break for all my hard work.
She laid out really nice(maybe I'm actually learning after the 44th time) & got very little dirt in it, covered the last coats dirt & only added 2 or 3 runs to the collection.
There's hope that this will sand & buff out & I'll have my 10 footer!
That last coat saved me from a week of depression about this friggen paint job, after 2 more 12 hour days I think it's finnally over & I can move back to the rebuilding!
break time! Rich.