I'm glad to see that everyone is getting their calendars. Dan put an incredible amount of time into them and it's great to see you all appreciate his work. As far as $$, I bumped up the mailing cost on some because I got the final calendars so late. I wanted to make sure the International and Canadian members got them in a timely manner. The difference in the cost of the original scheduled mailing cost came from having a heavier calendar than what I anticipated. For the few Members across the pond that ordered calendars, I was not going to worry about it. For the Members in the states and Canada, some members paid a little more than what it cost and some not enough, I am hoping to see where it all comes out in the end to make sure that I am even with $$ taken in to $$ paid out. The Paypal fees also caused some havoc, but who pays attention to such details....not ME.
If all the lights were green I should have ended up with a few extra $$ to cover extra costs. Not to worry, I will pass the hat if I come up short.