Thank You all for the kind words!!
I NEVER expected to get a 2/3 page pick in MM!!
But as most of you know, including Brad (JH27NOB) who has seen NIKKI, she is NOT a 5.7!!!!!!! She is a 426!!!!
As soon as I saw this I fired off an email to MM, I cant figure how they got that impression.
When I saw Earl's (troutstreamnm) car in MM a few months back I thought why not give it a shot??
I sent in my pick from our 2008 calendar with a brief bio INCLUDING that she has an 01 crate HEMI. Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't the 5.7 available starting in 03?
MM also took a bit of artistic license with other things but not that much of a biggie... only the HEMI thing!!!
I'm actually a bit embarassed, and I'm man enuff to admit it.
Overall very cool tho.....
A little hint to all our members - you dont need a show car to get in a magazine (NIKKI isn't) just a good pic!!
P.S. ... autographed copies are available for a nominal fee!