I'm in the process of doing mine. I picked up my pieces from the guy in Conneticut. I can't recall the name for the life of me. He had the best prices. I believe that there are only one or two makers of this type metal for the E-body. When it comes to trunk pans, there's no such thing as good or bad fit. When you take the car apart, you will notice just how poorly the original pieces fitted! It's amazing what seam sealer can do. They used a lot of that from the factory. The biggest bummer about the repop trunk pans and floor pans are that they do not have the drain holes punched in them. The pieces I have bought do have the proper recesses and such, but no holes. Goodmark does go through the trouble of putting those holes in there, but they don't make trunk or floor pans for the ebodies.
One thing that you will find is that the length of the trunk pans is such that you do not have enough metal to come all the way back to the tail panel. In fact, the pans stop about two inches short. So, if that strip of metal adjacent to the tail panel is rotted (which it probably is, if you doubt it, remove the seam sealer between the tail panel and the trunk pan), you'll have to fabricated extensions for the trunk pan. Sounds easy until you notice that there is a dip in the trunk pan in the center 18" or so of the trunk. Looking from the rear at the tail panel, you will see that the tail panel comes down a bit in the center. My plan is to build my extension in two pieces so that mathcing up the bend is easier. Once you get the pans in the trunk, butt weld the pans together at the center and blend the welds by grinding. Use DynaGlass to finish.
The first pic is a shot of the tail panel from the inside of the trunk. Notice the rot that was hiding behind the seam sealer.
The second pic shows the tail panel with all the other metal peeled off. You'll notice on the left side of the tail panel the change in the tail panel proifle. The trunk pans come around to the outside of the tail panel, fold upward, and are spot welded to the outside of the tail panel.
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