'Ya know Mike, I used to be "ok" with what you and many others here would prolly consider "Hack jobs", as I was more concerned with function over form..However, I find myself striving to do my fab work to the level as you and many others are here. My boss the other day while I was repairing a Floorboard in a Plain 'ol Jeep as We don't usually do this type work, but the customer requested it be repaired "Correctly" as he had paid someone to do it before and they simply patched over rust. So anyway, the boss comes over and says "Hey, this ain't no resto job here, just get it through a sticker"....I replied "Hey, my name is on this as is yours and I want it to at least look like a professional did the work"..The Boss agreed and Allowed me to repair it my way....So, just when you think nobody studies your posts, think again they have a bigger effect than you think...