Sounds funny. Calling Dave a little guy and asking him to do more for less on an over sized package to. Take no offense. 15 buck difference in assurance for qc.
More like $50 difference out-the-door. Thats why I am asking.
I expect QC from ANY vendor I buy from. Vendors SHOULD QC before they ship stuff. Not sure where in the process we as consumers lost site of that. If there were an issue I would expect them to make it right whether its Year One or Roseville or whoever. What I meant is that Dave at Roseville is double checking the bumpers prior to shipping and he seems to care....obviously he got some bad units from his vendor and he caught them before they went out to his customers. thats good for his customers, but good for him as well since it saves time, hassle and reputation.
I see nothing wrong with trying to save $50 for an item when others have had a good experience with products from both vendors, who are also both sponsors of this website (right?).
Dave, you can reply via PM if that is better for you. I probably should have asked that way to begin with. Sorry if I put you in an uncomfortable situation.
Moparal, PMd you.