I've been pulled over for going 2 miles over the speed limit. Was I speeding, sure 72 mph is greater than 70 mph, can't argue that. The cruise control was set at 70. But really what was the reason they pulled me over? I was a young Hispanic man in a brand new Red Corvette. I was 28 at the time. Was it racism? The DPS trooper was hispanic. What reason was there to pull me over? It was to gauge my reactions, was I hiding something? was I transporting something? He asked me where I worked, where I was going, how long I had the car. He was fishing. Was there reasonable suspicion to pull me over? It is subjective.
I got stopped on the turnpike for doing 5 over...I am a white middle guy and was driving a minivan...while others sped past me.
Wait, I am a litle overweight. And I have a mustache.
THATS IT! The cop was after fat white guys with facial hair!!
It was a hispanic cop who stopped you and you are questioning if it was racially motivated?
Did you ever stop to think that maybe, in whatever neighborhood you were in, a young man (hispanic origin aside) in a "brand new corvette" fit the profile of something that warranted being looked into?
How many 28 year olds drive brand new corvettes?
THAT is why you got stopped.
Dont like it? Drive a Hyundai.
i know that simply by driving my sublime barracuda the cops are looking at me and watching closely for me to screw up...so I dont.
I think what you call "fishing" is simply the only way cops can do ANY pre-emtpive crime solving. If criminals know that cops are neutered by "anti-racial-profiling" laws, what is to stop them?
The cops put 2 and 2 together and act on it. Sometimes they are right sometimes wrong.
If not for cops looking out for suspsicious activity, the thugs would rule the streets more than they do.
I am SOOOOOO sick and tired of hearing "minorities" (which ARENT, anymore, from what I read) using the race card. We cater EVERYTHING to special groups now...."diversity" and all that b u l l s h i t.
We are all different. GET OVER IT!
Its wrong to treat someone badly due to what they look like , race, fat, thin, handicapped, etc.
but we are ALL in this together...STOP ASKING FOR SPECIAL ATTENTION if you just want to be treated "like anyone else".
ANY ONE of us can be stopped for ANYTHING. Being paranoid about it being due to your race is something that was drilled into you by your family and community. Not saying it doesnt happen cause it does. But its niot the rule like many folks try to say.
If we fit a certain profile (NOT a bad word unless it is abused), so be it.