So you're wiling to spend about $30,000 on something you don't really want? That's retarded!
I applaud wanting to keep your countries workforce employed, but there are far more sensible ways to go about it.
Start with the little things: Soap, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, hand towels, towels, socks, t-shirts, caps, boots, cutlery, butter, bread, milk, meat, laundry detergent, dish-washing liquid, batteries, light bulbs, kitchen table & chairs - and the list goes on. These things are simple, rarely change, and if supported can help maintain local production.
The auto industry with it's constant evolution & changes in technology, regulations, money and political influence is far too fickle a business to guarantee anything. Simply buying American cars won't be enough to keep the jobs American, as the auto industry has far to much outside pressure and influence for anything to remain stable.
However, all those above items have barely changed in the last 50 years, and will barely change in the next 50 years. On top of that, in their most basic form they are almost all required on a daily basis, and their production will never have a need to cease. Those simple little things that you use everyday, and are of so little expense that they are often taken for granted - they're the things you need to ensure that remain locally manufactured.