Sounds like a good arguement for me to never paint the car and just leave it in primer. So a rat rod is a pre-war car that never gets finished. What do you call a muscle car that never gets finished?
When I got my brand new T/A hood painted and on the car for like 1 week, my son noticed the dirt ( from working on the car) and wiped it off to my horror! Yep a huge scratch! Still there too. I was so upset but I couldn't show it to his as he was almost in tears! I told him I knew it wasn't done on purpose and he was worth more than ANY car! Lesson learned now he knows never to do that again!
about 3 days after my hood was painted (before it was even on the car) a "friend" of mine thought he would put his initials in the dust on the hood of my car. I still have a huge "RJ" in my hood if its in the right lighting. He said "whoops" and left, its been over a year now and i have still never seen him since