Hey Barry! Thanks so much for asking and thanks for everyone else who sent well wishes! I am feeling better, very sore, but better. I think I only mentioned what happened in the chat the other night. So, for those who don't know...
This past Sunday my husband and I went out with a few friends on our ATVs. I took a fall off of a cliff, about 8-10 feet down and landed into a pile of rocks and the quad fell on top of me (630 pounds). I was wearing a motocross helmet but wound up getting banged up a bit and badly bruised and I have some whiplash and pulled muscles everywhere. I had enough time to realize what was happening and I must have tensed up quite a bit. I didn't hot my heard at all which is good. I know I will be sore for a while and lits of things will be difficult for a while, such as driving and moving, lol, but I will be fine in a week or so. My chiropractor is working on my shoulder and was a little concerned about it, but with therapy it should heal up just fine. They think I just stretched a ligament in there.
I was very very luck to have made it out on my own two feet. It could have been so much worse. My poor husband was upset, as he watched it all happen since he was riding behind me. Someone was watching over me, that's for sure!