Hey '71 Fish,
I used to live in northern NJ & got hosed by a shop called Past & Present in Closter, NJ. The guy who ran it was named William (Bill) Losse from Fort Lee, NJ. He did crappy work, charged for some things never done, & disappeared. I paid him & need to have the work redone at some point. I was lucky to get the car out of his shop before the Fire Marshall shut the building down.
Anyway, I had a lawyer take the case on contingency who was very good, but the guy had absolutely no assets in his name. I won the case but never collected a penny. The one thing I hope for at times it since it was a judgement for fraud in a civil court, it doesn't expire. I could conceivably collect if assets ever appear in the future. If you want the lawyer's name & number, let me know & I'll give it to you.
I know you said your brother has a lawyer already, but if you need another one, this guy has some Body Shop experience now.