I think I'm going crazy. I took the crush can off, , matched it up with my old can (keying was in the same position), aligned the key with the shaft, eyeballed it with the steering wheel on, and it was right side up! Then I put it on, and lo and behold it was upside down again! ALSO, the turn signal returns do work...
So I'm gonna start from the ground up. No assumptions.
So to be clear, this is the correct position, right?
Mine is upside-down if that is. Further, the crush can's seam is up (which is my second clue).
If, in fact, I am upside down (because it's starting to look right side up), then the key in this can is in the 11 o'clock position (the toothless area), correct?
If that is the case, I align that with the toothless area on the shaft, hammer it down (using socket on the middle, of course), and it should be copacetic, jah?
If it is not, from what I'm reading, I'll need to disconnect the coupler, rotate 180, and reseat it. In that case I MAY need to adjust the metal pin on the inside of the crush can 180 (which may be a task) so that the turn signal returns work.