Carl glad you are OK, watching the news reports it looks bad, latest report 75 confirmed dead, over 200 missing. Australia has sent several rescue teams over to help your exhausted crews.
The worst thing now I heard is that the scum of the earth, LOOTERS are taking advantage, string them up.
Yup, locally only 6 arrests so far which is a good #, always going to be scum taking advantage of a nation down on it's knees, sad really, hang 'em high I say. Police have better things to be doing that catching those clowns. Yup, Aussie, USA, Canada, Japan, many nations pitching in, so nice to see aye and of course, you, our brothers across the ditch, we give each other grief in a joking spirit and are enemies on the sports field but in times of need, the ANZAC spirit will never die.