Let me help clarify a few things....
If you're bringing your car ON a trailer, there is ZERO trailer parking available at the show grounds.... either leave the trailer at the hotel and drive the car to the show, or you'll be walking a GOOD distance back to the show after FINDING a place to park it.
As far as hotel parking goes, the 2 previous years we've stayed at this hotel, we've had one problem, and that was with WSM's Challenger last year, but that was just a freak incident. When we arrive, we head towards the back of the parking lot and "take it over"... 2 spots per car, double parked, etc.... the parking lot is big enough for us to do that! If anybody is bringing a "daily driver", we usually put those as a fence around the muscle cars.... just makes it feel safer for everybody...
For those that are arriving at the hotel THURSDAY (afternoon or evening), and that are either traveling alone or in a "caravan", please PM me and let me know. I will give you my cell phone number (if you don't already have it), and if you could, upon arrival, call me and let me know that you've arrived. I'd like to keep a checklist of who's going, and when they're scheduled to arrive, just IN CASE anything should happen!!
I've got a few other points, but I'll post them as the time gets closer.