If your sticking with 15" wheels, the current exchange rate means that Minilite Originals can be picked up for for around $1400 a set. That is around $350 a wheel and that price is built, shipped, taxed, duties, etc to your door pricing for the original wheel. Since these are all custom made, you can specificy specific backspacing requirements and receive a lightweight, custom made, d.o.t. capable lightweight racing wheel. The quote I got was actually a bit less than that for two 15x8 and two 15x10. These are a forged aluminum version of the original magnesium design. They do not plan on offering any 16 or 17 inch sizes.
Vintage Wheel Works does make 16" and 17" versions. Their going price is $350-400 a wheel with no shipping or taxes included. They do have standard backspacing, but custom spacing is available for an additional charge. These are a two piece design with forged hoop and a cast center. They do have the same 8 spoke design as the Minilite, but the spokes are straighter and the hub design has a lip.
http://www.vintagewheelworks.com/products/wheels/v48Team 3/ET Wheels also makes a copy, the LT-III. Like VWW, this is a two piece forged/cast design that is available in 15", 17" and 18" design from $355 to over $500 each. Again, with no shipping or taxes. This version has a more curved spoke design more like the original Minilite. These designs are a cast aluminum that is final machined to spec. They do offer polishing for that "bling" look.
http://www.etwheels.com/ac/There are some vendors on Ebay thay offer similar cast version for a pretty reasonable price of around $200 a wheel, sometimes less.
There also is Panasport, another one of the original designers of an 8 spoke wheel. All their versions are custom made. I've never bothered to contact them about options, but I'd imagine they can make whatever you want in what ever color, size, spacing, 1 piece or 3 piece design imagineable.