Author Topic: Cr@ppy Chinese Parts!!  (Read 7453 times)

Offline the_engineers

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Re: Cr@ppy Chinese Parts!!
« Reply #45 on: September 17, 2011 - 06:27:59 PM »
They should tax the import to a close level as the home built product.
Umm, who do you think pays those taxes? Take that route and instead of having a choice between a $350 panel and an $800 one, now it will be $699 vs $800.

There is no solution, other than LOWERING the cost of doing business in THIS country that puts money back in our collective pockets.

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Offline GranCuda1970

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Re: Cr@ppy Chinese Parts!!
« Reply #46 on: September 17, 2011 - 07:24:33 PM »
Yes, we should lower the cost but make the chinese pay more to import to balance out thier government manipulation of thier currency.

Offline GranCuda1970

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Re: Cr@ppy Chinese Parts!!
« Reply #47 on: September 17, 2011 - 07:34:47 PM »
democraps and the unions

 Demoncraps LOL!!! Hopefully we don,t vote in another Republicrat RHINO we need a Conservative Republican. Our Nation has not had one of those for a very,very looooong time!!

Offline shadango

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Re: Cr@ppy Chinese Parts!!
« Reply #48 on: September 18, 2011 - 07:29:31 AM »
I guess my point was this... I am willing to pay a bit more to the local guy making a local product.
I do this to do my part to ensure that our mom & pop stores are still around, that our local machine shops stay around,
that our local farmer will still be able to keep his farm. etc... I believe that if everyone
that could afford to buy locally would do so a little more often, than the financial benefit
would be spread more locally and the profits didn't go into the CEO pockets.

We need to look at the core problem here and not just point fingers.

AMERICANS are the problem.

We want to earn more for less work while spending less for more products....products that are well beyond being "necessities".

Walmart and stores like them exist because the American market allows them to. No, it DEMANDS them to exist.

Take a look at any mom and pop store nowadays if you can find one and they are selling the same exact products...just repackaged/rebranded.  The problem isnt just the products....its the fact that the average American would rather pay less money for the same product so they themselves can have more even if it puts small business in this country out of business.

And while the typical american penny pinches so he/she can have more "necessities" ,they expect that the CEOs of the companies that provide these products and the banks that provide the money for their spending to happen make a minimum wage...LOL.  At the same time, Americans pump billions every year into the pockets of sports-stars and rock stars by snatching up season passes and cartloads of music products at stores like walmart.

Yet that same American will complain about paying a couple hundred more a year to pay the salaries of teachers, cops and firefighters....those entrusted with securing our safety and future.  Go figure.

We are a country of very messed up values and ideals now.

Most of the stuff we buy daily as Americans is NOT "necessity".  "Necessity" is basic food, water and shelter.  Just the fact that we are having this conversation over the web indicates that we all have WAAAAAAAAY more luxury than someone truly in desperate or impoverished situations would be.  Watch "little house on the prairie" and see what was considered "necessity" and "luxury" back then...a time when Americans truly WERE just getting by.  Or ask anyone who lived thru the great depression if they had luxuries like two cars in the drive, A/C in their living rooms or sell phones in their pockets.  Then look around your own home and ask yourself how many of the items you have are really necessity and where they came from...and then you will see the core of the problem.

We truly have become a nation of spoiled brats.

Offline GranCuda1970

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Re: Cr@ppy Chinese Parts!!
« Reply #49 on: September 18, 2011 - 09:40:33 AM »
While I agree with some of what you said I am not betting against America. There are well over 300 million in this country and we need to keep em busy making those cartloads of crap we buy at the store but with a made in the USA label. High union wages and promises on cushy retirements written by politicians who write checks we cannot cash and are going to bounce( now only 6.5% of the workforce ) and high taxes and regulations made it worse and overseas labor more attractive to Company owners. You don,t honestly think CHINA has EPA regulations to keep the business running clean do you? They do not have the Government imposed overhead costs and paperwork to deal with. The World has to keep 7 billion people busy and happy and working. We need to even the playing field.

Offline shadango

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Re: Cr@ppy Chinese Parts!!
« Reply #50 on: September 18, 2011 - 10:03:44 AM »
While I agree with some of what you said I am not betting against America. There are well over 300 million in this country and we need to keep em busy making those cartloads of crap we buy at the store but with a made in the USA label. High union wages and promises on cushy retirements written by politicians who write checks we cannot cash and are going to bounce( now only 6.5% of the workforce ) and high taxes and regulations made it worse and overseas labor more attractive to Company owners. You don,t honestly think CHINA has EPA regulations to keep the business running clean do you? They do not have the Government imposed overhead costs and paperwork to deal with. The World has to keep 7 billion people busy and happy and working. We need to even the playing field.

EPA regs are just one more excuse.

yes, China gets away with environmental murder.

So what?

If anything that should induce americans to NOT buy chinese stuff.

But this really just shows even more clearly how americans want their luxuries at any cost....whether its lost wages and jobs here or environmental damage overseas (after all, out of sight out of mind, right?)....we dont really care.

We say we do but the buying habits of americans as a whole show the story very clearly.

If americans really cared, they would just STOP buying the imported junk.

But we "need" our big screen tvs, cell phones, etc etc. more than we care about the bigger picture.

Offline GranCuda1970

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Re: Cr@ppy Chinese Parts!!
« Reply #51 on: September 18, 2011 - 10:10:48 AM »
You are right about that !!

  But these environazi's should be working against those Chinese made goods that are destroying the trees they are huggin,. instead of killing businesses that try to follow the rules here. It is called slitting your own throat. Giving us NO choice but to buy the crap that was made without restrictions or hinder.

Offline GranCuda1970

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Re: Cr@ppy Chinese Parts!!
« Reply #52 on: September 18, 2011 - 10:24:00 AM »
    If they want to create jobs here they should slap the biggest tarrifs on chinese made goods to pay the bills until they get thier act together and play by the standards we have to abide by.

Offline shadango

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Re: Cr@ppy Chinese Parts!!
« Reply #53 on: September 18, 2011 - 10:48:01 AM »
You are right about that !!

  But these environazi's should be working against those Chinese made goods that are destroying the trees they are huggin,. instead of killing businesses that try to follow the rules here. It is called slitting your own throat. Giving us NO choice but to buy the crap that was made without restrictions or hinder.

Well, I do agree that they do tend to go too far for my tastes...

Still, they are doing what they can do for their cause....and saving the environment damage isnt a bad thing necessarily.

We dont HAVE to buy the chinese stuff.  We can just NOT buy the luxuiries we "need".   The real problem is that now that Americans have shown they want the most for cheapest, many of the necessities are now made overseas too.....still, we could make a real dent in the problem by keeping our pocketbooks closed and doing without and buying the bare minimum

Offline GranCuda1970

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Re: Cr@ppy Chinese Parts!!
« Reply #54 on: September 18, 2011 - 10:50:52 AM »
I have not shopped at CHINAmart for years and I only buy Chinese when I cannot find the equvalent. I used to only buy movies and software there so I really was not buying made in China when i did.

Offline GranCuda1970

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Re: Cr@ppy Chinese Parts!!
« Reply #55 on: September 18, 2011 - 11:25:21 AM »
Well my Barracuda is a necessity!!!, and the only thing made in china was a set of brake rotors that I will definately replace down the road.

Offline ChallengerHK

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Re: Cr@ppy Chinese Parts!!
« Reply #56 on: September 18, 2011 - 11:37:35 AM »
So why does China make such crappy junk if they are trying to be competitive?They are not making better quality parts for the same money they are making worse quality parts for less money so your piont is irrelevant.Competition should be the drive to improve quality and make a better product not make junk. :dunno:

They're being price-competitive. Being quality-competitive is a different matter, and most people have a hard time perceiving it or determining its value.

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Offline shadango

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Re: Cr@ppy Chinese Parts!!
« Reply #57 on: September 18, 2011 - 11:39:20 AM »
    If they want to create jobs here they should slap the biggest tarrifs on chinese made goods to pay the bills until they get thier act together and play by the standards we have to abide by.
LOL  And who do you think will pay the tariiffs in the long run??  We will since they will pass the costs on to the buyers....AMERICANS.  It will be just like every other tax forced on US by our government....they say it is for the greater good and the end the consumer pays for it, not the company taxed.

Of course one thing that will do is increase the costs of the cheap goods we get now.....and that means that it will be harder to buy the will raise their prices to reflect the tarriffs they will pay for to their chinese suppliers.....and that means walmart will make less money and that means they could close stores which means fewer jobs for those working there.....

Yes, tariffs are a great idea.   (not)

The only cure for this problem is that we as americans have to keep our pocketbooks closed and SAVE for a change and not spend like its burning a hole in our with less.

But I dont see that happening anytime soon.

Offline GranCuda1970

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Re: Cr@ppy Chinese Parts!!
« Reply #58 on: September 18, 2011 - 11:42:16 AM »
Until we vote politicians with a brain No tarrifs will not be imposed. I would rather have to save longer for the american made quality product than have to replace the CHINO made crap that doesn,t seem to keeps the environazi's up at night.

Offline shadango

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Re: Cr@ppy Chinese Parts!!
« Reply #59 on: September 18, 2011 - 11:50:46 AM »
Well my Barracuda is a necessity!!!, and the only thing made in china was a set of brake rotors that I will definately replace down the road.

LOL  For me too....  But in reality, this is the problem....we look at our hobbies and toys as stuff we "have" to have.

How many average americans could afford hobby cars back in the "good old days" ??

All of us here have toy cars to play with.  That is OUR addiction/luxury.....others have their own.  We dont need these toy cars....they cost extra fuel to drive, extra money to tinker with and maybe even to store for some here.

Even when brand new these cars werent 100 american made...and as repop parts come out more and more are made in china etc.  And the maintenance items too....Could be your spark plug wires or plugs, could be the fuel filter you use , heater hoses or the clamps you use to secure the hoses....

Those movies and software you say you bought at Walmart.....well, wear do you think the disks they use to distributet he software are made and the DVDs/tapes for the movies?   And all of the software and much of the movies were created on foreign based technology (computers).

"quality based" versus "price based" is easy to talk about until you look at it in real world terms.

If someone can buy an item for $5 versus $25 and they do the same thing, they will buy it for $5.....sure the $5 item may wear out quicker, but you can use/wear out an item 5 times and still break even.

And honestly, I know folks love to pick on "chinese junk"....I remember being a young kid and hearing the term "chinky" in its made in china and cheaply made.....true back then, but these days more and more of it is much better quality.

Look at the chinese made window cranks for our cars .....they look exactly like the oems and work the same and are waaaaaaaaay cheaper to buy than new OEM parts if you can find them.

And  I have bought many "made in the USA" products and found that they fail miserably and are cheaply made.

So the "made in usa" sticker doesnt guarantee quality either IMHO.