Hey Guys, no real news here yet. I have been on a little vacation this past week, and was hoping to have some news in my email box when I got home. But nuthin. I am really waiting for my engine builder to quit screwing around. I went out to his shop the day before I left, and he was boring cylinders, and had one head to port the exhaust side only, and had to assemble everything. I left him Keislers info so that he could call down or fax the dyno sheet after he ran the motor, which was supposed to be early last week. I am going to call him a little later to find out if he got it done. Keisler needs the dyno printout to calibrate the shift controller, so things are at a good start point when I get the car rolling, and then I can add a new program as I need in the future. I will get back to all wondering (I know there are at least a few of you) when I hear from my builder, and then Keisler. I will have time yet this week. Im still nervous, but yet excited. I hope things happen soon. J