I am the scout master for our local boyscout troop. i went out to a property to scope the job for the scouts to do to earn money for camp. AND THEN IT HAPPENED. the old guy said, there is an old car back there. of course i said really, he said its an old dodge. the car is rusted really really bad. so bad the frame of the car is gone and the lower parts of the body. BUT it has a motor in it. its a 50s model 2 door wagon Dodge. and the motor is a Hemi. i dont know which one yet. but i have persmission to remove the car from the property. will get back later with more info and pics. i will want help pricing this motor and possibly selling to you good people.
BTW i have miss yall too for those who remember me, april i still think your tops, is she still on this site. and my cuda got stolen and never recovered.