I have a concealed carry permit. It used to be a hassle to get one (I live in VA) and you used to have a darn good reason to obtain one. I owned a business and there had been a rash of armed robberies, so I got mine then. Now it's much easier to get one unless you're a convicted felon or have a domestic violence charge on your record. They are good for 5 years and there are many reciprocal states that will honor the permits of your state in their state. Virginia is a gold star state as there is an open carry law meaning if you don't have a concealed carry permit, you can openly carry a loaded weapon, but if you conceal it without a permit & get caught, that's a problem. I carry a very lightweight Charter Arms Bulldog .44 special 5 shot revolver. Boy does it pack a punch!! And GranCuda; the Kimber is a top notch weapon! I also whole heartedly have to agree with Cody. God forbid I'd have to use mine. A few years back a thug walked into a local liquor store, produced a gun, waved it around, made threats to the store personnel and customers and robbed the store. On the robber's way out, a customer with a concealed carry permit pulled out his gun and shot the robber in the back (killing him) as he was leaving the store. He was not charged because he stated that the robber threatened everyone in the store and he feared for his life. It's all about protection & I've looked down the barrel of a loaded gun before and I'm just glad the man didn't pull the trigger!! I don't want to be there again. We live in a crazy world. Be safe, be smart & be careful!
Matt B.