Guys - just curious if anyone else has had a similar issue. I repainted my car this summer. Sealed it, then basecoast, clear coat, etc. It has been painted for several months now so the paint has had plenty off time to flash off. I've driven the car throughout the summer, but never completely filled the gas tank. I generally run a mix of 112 octane race fuel and 93 pump gas. I filled the tank very full this last time for the winter (I'm probably at 15% race fuel and 85% 93). I came home, parked it and then a week later noticed that the paint just below the filler cap has bubbled - it took off the coat and clear, but not the sealer. Obviously the gas caused this but I'm curious if it was the race fuel or the 93. Also, any good thoughts on repairing this? I'm thinking of trying to feather in just that area, but have never done that before. The base coat is PPG dbc and the clear is PPG dcu 2042. Thanks.