well tried once again to get my signals working. Got the ash tray assembly out of the way and found the flasher that controls the signals. Took the new one I had put in for my hazard flashers out and plugged it in to my signal connector and...still nothing. Idk what to do now. And as for the above post, I do not have bulbs in my front orange lights (if that matters). So for now my ash tray is laying on the dash, I have my flasher out, and still no signals out back
As for my brake lights, I tried adjusting my switch at the brake pedal, but I would like some insight on how that switch is supposed to look normally
Like how far is that plastic piece supposed to be pushed in? Might need a new one of those too
in order to get my brake lights working. On a side note, my dang wiring is so sporadic, that my hazard flashers work a whole lot better when I flip the light switch off....just thought I'd throw that in there since it doesn't seem normal to me. I need real help from a person who is an electrical wizard I believe