One morning i woke up and was :coffee: and decided to get my Hemi chally out and :driving: while doing so i met a :rice: that wanted to race i decided to :spank: him...and give one to the :patriot: so while i was sitting at the stop light waiting for green i
to give him a taste of what he was up against..people around that was watching was :nopity: to hime and giving me :thumbs: :thumbs: the light changes to green i smash the gas the dual fours open and i'm
the tires and
to rice burner...when i got threw with him he was
and wondering why he messed with a MOPAR..then along came a friggin cheby camaro and thought he could take me at the next lights so i
again and when the light turned green i was
:driving: away from him ...and the poor camaro driver was :cry: his eyes out ...i met up with my girlfriend and we was crusin and we went to a bar to get a few :beer: and pretty soon i was :wasted: and my g\f drove me home lighting the tires up and showing all the cars around this is the baddest bad ass car around... everyone should :worship: to the car but the fords and X brands thought :bs: but she showed them she :boxer: it out with all of them and whooped em.. and then she was
and the car spun sideways and hit the curb i was :mad: :fire:
but all that happend was a little curb rash to the rims...i went home to sleep and the g\f was
over the car since it was the first time she drove it..
End of story......See this is what bordum does to a guy.....