Well, sometimes people hit hard times
Me, since just mid january, had some major transportation problems (my daily driver died).....major family issues (family member tried committing suicide, father died, certain relatives are causing issues)...and my wife has had some major health issues we have to deal with.
That is in 2 months.
So it can happen.
Luckily I have worked for a company for a long time and they know me. I am also able to do some of my work remotely, via email and phone.
I normally give my all for my company and then some. But sometimes life doesnt allow that and other things need prioritzed. Our jobs are not always our ONLY responsbilities...and the employers who recognize that are usually the more successful ones. I am lucky to work for a boss that understands. But even them I know there are limits.
In this guys case, you dont really know him. But you like the work he does when he is there.
You dont run a business to allow slackers, but it is harder to find GOOD workers than some like to think. Just because there are bodies to fill a position doesnt mean that those bodies will do the job well.
Give the guy a chance...take him aside and say what you said here. You will know in short order if he is BSing you or really has fallen into hard times.
You will get good karma and points with the big man if you can just be patient with someone who really needs a second chance.
The fact that you are having thoughts about it is great....you have a conscience. Let your conscience and gut be your guide when you talk to him.