I made a few phone calls a few weeks ago, and ended up talking to Bouchillion Performance. The dude there gave me some good advice. They sell everything from the firewall forward, so you can connect to your stock box in the passenger compartment. This configuration will still let you have a vent to outside air, where the aftermarket kits do not have a vent. He also said he prefers the Vintage kit to the Classic kit for Mopar applications. I bit the bullet and bought the Vintage Gen IV kit. I figure if I need a vent, I will just open the window. I received the kit yesterday, and it sure looks like a lot of parts and pieces. Im not planning on getting the kit installed in an afternoon or any thing like that! My biggest concern now is if the brackets supplied to fit the compressor will fit with my 6-pack. If it doesn't, then I will get the bracket from Bouchillion. I am close to having everything ordered and in the garage for my build, and am hoping to start disassembly next week. I don't know if I will have the A/C working yet this year or not.