Everybody hates electrical gremlins! Although they are extremely satisfying when resolved. Working out electrical issue is like scrounging around in the dark, because you can't actually see what's wrong. I like rusted metal, because when I see it, I can treat, cut, replace, weld, paint and be happy!
The MSD distributor and 6AL were fresh out of the box last month. The engine did run back in January, but it was sporadic due to electrical malfunction. It was definitely an electrical issue, to explain the quality of the wiring when the car arrived, most of the connections were done by twisting the wires together than covering in electrical tape. Hence the full system replacement.
I doubt the MSD 8534 distributor has been wired incorrectly because the terminal is directional and the 6AL has a reverse flow management system preventing electrical damage due to incorrect wiring. I'm thinking I've wired the ignition wrong. Although I will look into your suggestion.
Any additional ideas would be much appreciated.