Looks/sounds great! Tell us more about the track? Test and tune? Road coarse?
Sweet! Looks driven!
It's a Road race or Road Coarse if you will. It's called Arctic Circle Raceway. If you search for 'Cuda ACR' on YouTube you'll find some videos of me driving there many years ago, before I put on the XV stuff.
Looks like a great track! Lots of fun!I looked at your video's, cool stuff! Did you loose a motor/tranny? in one of those video's? Lots of smoke?
Not the motor held up, It was an oil leak on the motor.. never found the source.. until this winter when I acid diped the block and painted it.. found a crack in the block at the oilpressure sender. Fixed it with some cemical metal. That did the trick. That was acutally the last time I drove up there..