Thank you for your help the owner told me on the door sticker was 12 mth 1969 so this must be the C12. I am not sure if the number is 934425 or 034425 next to the C12 Because , I donot have the car yet . I have just brough this car and it is still in cananda THANXS AGAIN.
Well, yes, but, what it really means is: C=December, 12=12th day of the month. You see, that space was use to indicate the fabrication date and it was a 3 digit code, so, the first month, (january) is 1, fubuary is 2, march is 3 up to september, (9), A is october, B is november and C is december. The two remaining numbers are the day of the month is was built, so in your case, C12 means december 12.