Thanks for the great feedback!
We have some awesome driving roads here, and spectacular scenery.
The fast footage was filmed by setting up the camera to take one photo a second, then putting them together into a video clip at 25fps.
Similar to how I filmed the timelapse footage with the clouds in the background.
And trust me, you don't want to hear the sound the camera recorded! Nothing but rattles, bangs and squeaks, and very little engine noise.
It sounded good to be in the car and you heard the exhaust note clearly, but the camera must have picked up all the vibrations through the tripod.
I'll be rigging up a dedicated microphone when the car is complete, and running a cable to a custom camera mount under the rear view mirror.
The wipers were a mash up of a 3 speed motor with a 2 speed switch, that wouldn't park and went at one fast speed only. I fixed that later though.