I couldn't see spending 100's of dollars for turn plates to use once every few years, and the cheap ones don't have any side to side or front to back movement. So I figured I would make my own, I know the grease and plastic option is one way to go but wanted something a little better.
So here you have it: 1) All you have to do is take a piece of 1/8" peg board, drill the holes to 1/4" 2) Cut pieces of steel plate to use top and bottom, I used some 3/16 I had layin around 3) get some 1/4" ball bearings, got mine from e-bay for $20.00
I have 196 bearing on each plate, now that I have done it I think it could be done for 1/2 that price. You can push the front of the car around on the plate by just leaning on the car, that is why I think you could get by with less bearings. Movement is only limited by the size of the plates you use.