When I was in the military (1962) on biv in Georgia. My motor pool MS ( African A) had me drive him from camp to a beauty salon ( picture a small square wooden shanty) in a small town.
He went inside and came out with brown bags.
When we got back to camp in the boonies we went to his tent and he brought out mason jars of shine.
He showed me how pure it was by placing a flame to some on a spoon. The flame was a pure light blue.
It went down smooth and with in a minute u felt warm spreading from out bellies to your limbs. We shared a
couple more drinks while in the biv. Be leave me you don't want to drink more. In the 20's thru the 50's they mixed some Ethylene glyco anti freeze in it to sweeten it, its metabolism
produes a chemical which crystalizes in the brain, kidneys, lungs if consumed over time.
They say the people that drink a lot of it destroy the brain cells.
And u have the rest of the story!