ViperMan, having coordinated events in the past myself, I applaud AND thank you for taking the lead on this.
I have already put in for that Thursday and Friday off in order travel up from southernmost MD (maybe leave a day early and shoot some sporting clays on the way up) but, if the heat is anything like I'm hearing it was in '12, I am pretty sure I will have to pass. Had I my druthers, the weather will be nice enough for my wife and our small (as in VERY small) dog to join me. After all, she (my wife, that is, not the dog) is the whole reason I got "sucked into" the whole muscle car universe which includes Carlisle!
Another factor is that our eldest son (40yoa) has just been diagnosed with stomach cancer but, we are hoping and praying it has been caught early enough . . . Either way, the road ahead promises to be especially rough on the two of them and I am committed to doin' whatever she needs of me, in the way of support. (The glass is 1/2 full; we have access to best and brightest within the Georgetown Univ. Hosp, system so, that counts for a LOT [unbelievable how incompetent the local doc was that initially caught it :-(
Anyhoo, no telling at this juncture (Feb) what July will hold for us but, I am pretty excited about the possibility of not just seein' some beeeautiful mopars but, more than anything else, puttin' some faces with some forum monikers, etc.
Thanks again for herdin' us goats, err, ponies (?)