I just put in one of my XV Level 1 torsion bars. First off, I forgot my dust seal. Bummer. Next, on the drivers side, the torsion bar hits my TTI header enough that it wont fit into the LCA! I have the rear part of the Tbar engaged into the mount, and the front isnt touching the LCA yet. I cant back it out!! Do I do the pry on the LCA trick, or should I just get a Tbar removal tool, and remove both of them so I can put the seal on the pass side, and then dimple the header on the drivers side? It looks like I need to dimple the header about a 1/4". Is that alot to dent the header? Should it have fit in the first place or is the large diameter of the headers and t-bar to blame? Man is it hard to make it all go together smoothly. I was hoping it would just fall together. Pipe dreams.