Shipping was later than expected, all the calendars have been shipped Priority Mail.International orders may be hung up in Customs. I apologize for the delay, I tried to get them out sooner. Never expect a woman to be on time..... I have Tracking Numbers for those who would like to watch the calendars skip across the US.I wish you all a Merry Christmasjudy
Shipping was later than expected, all the calendars have been shipped Priority Mail.
Judy are there extras if you didn't preorder? I didn't read the entire thread so pardon my ignorance if so stated!TomCalendars are still available.judy
hey judy, does this mean you threw in a bucket of your own money ?
Santa stepped up this year and helped out. judy
ok that`s cool. Just let us know if he runs short no calendar here yet......
Uh Bart... that's the short part we need to talk about. Just kidding buddy. Hope it gets there real soon.