I already repaired the fire wall and cowl inside, just need to seal it now. That was fairly easy.
I was only planning on replacing the drivers side but am curious about only replacing the front half of the pan.
I was thinking of cutting old pan in the middle of the transmission cross member flanging the new to slip under the old. That way both halves will attach to the cross member and they will join each other right over the middle of the cross member.
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Where's the savings? You'd have twice the seam welding and half the quality of repair. Drill out the spot welds in the hump and remove it, then cut out the whole floor and put it in, to it's seam behind the frt seat where it overlaps with the rear section. You'll have to skin it off the firewall, rockers and braces, but you'll get a chance to check/clean the insides of the front frame rails and if the torsion bar X member needs work too, you'll never be in a better position to do it. In addition to all that, you'll have panel and structural integrity, no more worries about when the OTHER side will show it's pinholes, a cleaner, nicer repair all around and no Frankenstein $hite underneath your car, either. At the end of the day, it's your car and you'll do it the way you want to, but you DID ask and this's just my
Good luck