I have not gotten my connectors yet, any day now, but I was thinking...since its more difficult to weld from under the car, and I'm also a newbie welder, could this be an option for me:
I am gonna remove the engine/transmission with the K-frame from under the car and change suspension, steering box etc. And I know the subframe connectors should be welded in when the car is on the suspension. If I put the car on blocks under the front wheels, and jackstands on the rear axle, spot weld the subframe connectors in place, and then remove the engine package. Then weld the whole thing while the car is hi up in the air with the front? Seems to be easier to weld that way... Would it work, see any problems with the idea?
I'm in a garage with high ceilings and I could probably get the car up very high in the front if I put some blocks under the rear wheels also.