Well cudabob what would your suggestion be then as I said I'm looking for a fix. More cfm fans?
Well, most everyone on this site has good suggestions. An aluminum radiator will reduce average
engine temp by 20 degrees. Electric fans work best on aluminum radiators. I agree that the mechanical
clutch fan is a great cooler. I'm performance oriented, so I went electrical, and noticed right away when the
mechanical and its weight were not hanging off a pulley on the front of my engine. Shrouds are almost always
a necessity. In a lot of ways, it depends how you use your car, and what temps you drive it in. My 600+
horse 496 does great with an alum radiator and a 16 inch electric fan from Summit. I kept the stock shroud
on my radiator, and placed the electric fan inside it. More cfm might help, but get the shroud in, or else you may
be just circulating air, and not pulling much through your radiator. Again, a higher idle makes your coolant pump, pump
more water. I have my car idle at 1200 rpm. Works best with my cam and everything. A vented engine comparment helps a lot.
In old day, racers would jack up the back of their hoods by 2 inches, to relieve engine compartment pressure. This
improved cooling and made cars go faster (oops, there I go again, in fantasy land!)
On a side note, below is the fatest production car ever, on the Nurburgring in Germany. Kills Vipers and Porches, etc. Amazingly,
it only had 360 hp, but its aerodynamics is so good, and has so much down force, it could theoretically drive upside down.