My grandson is due on July 20th and I had volunteered to baby sit my 2 year old granddaughter -- if needed. Of course, I really didn't think they'd need me -- but my daughter-in-laws' Mother has developed some health issues. So - it looks like my "services" might be needed. Now, I was serious when I made this offer.... but I haven't changed a diaper in 35 years.... (well - my late wife might say "never" ) Anyway, got a call a this afternoon from my son who says they really could use me when the time comes.... and after a Doc's appointment this morning -- well it could be anytime in the next week.
So - while I"ve been looking forward to this for more than a year..... been working on the car, etc...... BUT -- I told my son to keep me posted and whether I drive to Boston from Vermont or Carlisle -- I'll be there.
My plan is to leave on Thursday and arrive in Carlisle about Friday noon. So, since there's a chance I may get a call before I leave, that would mean I'll have a room available for someone to use Friday night. I'm sure I'll get hit with at least one night's charge..... maybe more. Then again - maybe I'll luck out and she won't start labor for another week!
I'll keep you all posted ....
VT Mopar
Doug Wacek